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Friday, April 25, 2008
'Cause we got that open highway leading our way

Geez. I really hope that having less than mediocre brains is enough. I really, really don't want to see those subjects again next sem.

Anyways! Its now time to spend quality time with friends, girlfriends, family and the boyfriend. Books, music, beauty sleep, chillin' out bumming around, girls nights out, driving around, excercise, shopping trips, good food, Bintan. Ohh yeaaahh! Indulgence and bliss. Bring it on.(:

stuck in reverse
2:07 PM

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I have reached the point where I find Man's tendency to go hungry every 5-6 hours and the inability to think properly without at least 5 hours of sleep every night extremely, extremely, extremely irritating.

Wei's leaving for Vietnam early tomorrow morning. Its during times like this that I thank God for exams.

But I'm still gonna miss that big stinky anyway. The very same big stinky who decided to satisfy my craving and surprise me with the below mentioned portobello tempura fries. Couldn't stop smiling after I saw the Four Seasons plastic bag, haha.

Gah. I am gonna miss my stinky.):

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stuck in reverse
9:13 PM

Sunday, April 06, 2008

I'm suddenly craving for the Portobello Tempura Fries with Creamy Horseradish Sauce Wei and I had during our anniversary dinner at One-Ninety in Four Seasons Hotel. Oh yummy yum yum. Smackers.(:

I can't wait to have a whale of a time in Bintan with Qixin and Joan, read books from cover to cover in one go, have girl's nights out, bum around and visit book cafes with Wei, hang out with girlfriends, continue tennis lessons with Wei, and dream of my red Volkswagen Beetle Convertible that I promised I'll get myself in 8 year's time.

I can't wait for exams to be overrrrr, period.

Oh and speaking of tennis lessons with Wei, I hope his back heals fast and stops giving my poor sweetheart grief.):
I've come to the conclusion that my cynicism has grown exponentially. I realised that most books now don't draw me in, tug at my heart and cause it to ache like it used to.

I have a love affair with books. I keep those which are able to move me close to me, but now only a precious few grace my bedside table and I'm grateful for them, really and truly. Books like My Best Friend's Girl, The Time Traveler's Wife, Vanishing Acts and The Memory Keeper's Daughter keep me going.

Being jaded sure takes the joy out of reading, huh.
I am bemused at how its not stories of pledges of undying love that get me these few days but fantasy. Ravenheart was breathtaking and heartbreaking, so much so that I find myself sitting in bed in the wee hours of the morning, walking the prophecy and dying a thousand deaths, weeping, despairing and aching at mankind for both its selfishness and its beauty and tenacity.

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stuck in reverse
12:39 AM

Cyn Ong.
Me, I'm 20.
I love rainy, cloudy weather.
The kind with lots & lots of

nbs mkting.

All that I hold dear.
Books, music, shopping.
Prettycolours, prettythings.

The same few people,
the same few constants.

Chelle. Lijuaan. Meow.

Janice. Yong qi. Amelia.
Xinyu. Fujing.

Junrong. Jiening. Wenting.

Vincent. Shirley. Allena.
Allena's Blogshop.

Charissa. Tracy. Xinyi

VJC 05S43.
Atiqah. Camillus. Darren.
Chiew shan. Chin chong.
Francis. Janice. Louisa.

Wei. Rae. Qixin.

Image station.



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05/2007. 06/2007. 07/2007. 08/2007. 09/2007. 10/2007. 11/2007. 12/2007. 01/2008. 02/2008. 03/2008. 04/2008. 05/2008. 06/2008. 07/2008. 08/2008. 09/2008. 10/2008. 11/2008. 12/2008. 01/2009. 02/2009. 03/2009. 04/2009. 05/2009. 06/2009. 07/2009. 08/2009.

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