Monday, June 30, 2008
Short + Sweet.(:
I had the BEST time yesterday.(: It has been such a long time since I've actually dressed up for a date, haha. Dinner at SourPuss was great. They had food and service down to pat, and the ambiance was just simply lovely. If it wasn't for the play, I really wouldn't mind sitting there, relaxing and just enjoying Wei's company.(:Ah, the play. Awesome stuff, the play. It was simply so delightful, the storylines and the acting, that I think I was smiling throughout the 2 hours. The balloons, the balloons! Haha! What a nice way to end the gala finals. Thanks for the tickets, John! You've got to buy extra tickets next year again, yes?(:
I'm a happy happy girl.(:
I'm getting so happy typing this and remembering yesterday that I feel like giving my sweetheart a big hug now. Haroww Weiwei! *Huggggggs*:D
Labels: Gruffy ol' bear, LOVE(:
stuck in reverse
♥12:42 PM
Friday, June 27, 2008
Cheesecake, cheesecake, cheesecake..
Good reviews of Cafe Oliv makes me a happy, happy girl.(:
I'm hungry and I have a sudden huge craving for rich, creamy and real good cheesecake. Oh and the really delightful coconut tempura prawns at Flutes at the Fort.):
Labels: Yums.
stuck in reverse
♥6:57 PM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I'm half-starved. I love my books. I'll lose myself in them.
I still believe my feelings
But sometimes I feel too much
I make believe you're close to me
But it ain't close enough
Not nearly close enough
Labels: Rose-tinted glasses
stuck in reverse
♥2:47 AM
Friday, June 20, 2008
Champagne bubbles.
So I've decided to succumb to the lure of chick lit. Bergdorf Blondes (has been around since years ago; there was much, much eyeballing involved in Borders and various libraries) is indeed très très funny. It is beyond. In fact, c'est absolutely brillant, as well as the most light-hearted read I've had in a long time.(:
Went shopping with David today, and bought a darling of a top. Quite possibly the most darling top I have up-to-date.(:
I'm all tired out from tennis with Wei and brothers, so I'm gonna hit the sack now. Bonne nuit.(:
Labels: Gruffy ol' bear, Love, Reads
stuck in reverse
♥12:30 AM
Monday, June 16, 2008
Marketing it is, then. Boy oh boy I can't wait for StewHaus tomorrow!(:
Labels: Gruffy ol' bear, School
stuck in reverse
♥12:59 PM
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Bittersweet. Bittersweet, bittersweet, bittersweet. Bittersweet is good, all good. Funny, but you somehow always appear at the most unexpected moments, at places unthought of.
Despite a rocky start, today ended up wonderful.(: Okay, I'm more than ready to crash now, aha. Good night.
So glad it was you.(:
Labels: Gruffy ol' bear, Life's little quirks
stuck in reverse
♥1:52 AM
Friday, June 13, 2008
Obolo crazy!
Rae and I skipped dinner yesterday and headed straight to Obolo's. I had my macarons and I'm glad I substituted my Rose for Vanille, cos now I have a new favourite!(:(: The New York Cheesecake Rae and I shared was awesome too! The strawberries look really, really pretty, and the cheesecake was sooo rich. Better than Cheesecake Cafe's, methinks! Oh I also took away a glass of Verrine, cos -guess what?- I get to keep the glass if I take the whole thing home! The glass was so so pretty I couldn't resist. Haha. I have yet to try it, though. Layers of mousse, red berries, compote, vanilla and syrup. Pretty pretty!(:
Labels: Girlfriends make the world go round(:, Yums.
stuck in reverse
♥12:35 PM
Monday, June 09, 2008
Some things never change.
I guess once in a while, people have to be reminded how it is like to be young and cute again. Yer know, all that dreams and scooby doo stuff.
Labels: Mr BG, Rose-tinted glasses
stuck in reverse
♥11:37 AM
Sunday, June 08, 2008
The life of a couch potato.
I'm still abit dazed right now, having just finished my book. Anyway, no more hall for me next sem. No more cheering either.): I'll really miss both, especially cheer. I really wanted to do my front tuck!): Ah wells. Results were out 3 days ago. Not good, not good. Mummy and daddy went holidaying in Bangkok, and I've been stuck at home these past 3 days settling meals for my brothers and getting them to sleep on time. On the bright side, I get to ask Wei to help me out and bring us all out for dinner.(: Kenny Roger's chicken is good, and so is Bailey's Mint Chocolate Irish Cream. Wii was fun with YiLing, Jasper and Jeremy, and pool, CafeBar, bitching and catching up with Tze Yang was great too. And when I get tired of Hell's Kitchen, Ugly Betty, korean dramas and mini online games, I'll still have my books. Coming to think of it, once you take out all the boring bits, the life of a couch potato is actually pretty great.
Kay now I'm off to chill out with Olivia Ong. Bye!(:
stuck in reverse
♥10:13 PM
Monday, June 02, 2008
Bintan pictures!
Hey ho! I know I've been procrastinating, but blogger is so slow! Anyways, pictures! Pictures! Pictures!
Bintan Trip!
In the ferry, heading for our island retreat.
Our first lunch at Angsana Resort and Spa!
After lunch. The weather was really really great. The kind that makes you wanna just stretch out on a deck chair and spend the afternoon lazing away.
Woohoo! Perfect match, babeh! Brown rocks!(: Oh and there was this group of men, Japanese, I think. We saw them when we were having lunch, and then when we headed towards the pool we saw them stretched out on their backs on the deck chairs, already knocked out and looking remarkably like logs laid out side by side. Or perhaps, for a more appropriate er... comparison, like sausages cooking in the sun. Hehheh. But they were amusing lah, really, the cute and chubby group of men. Haha.
Our fabulous eat-in dinner. I know its only canned food, but it was a lovely and heart-warming.(:
After dinner was Spa. One thing I must say, though. It really is quite amazing how much strength the masseuse had packed in her small frame. And all of them were tiny and pint-sized!
The next day.
Morning walk that turned out to be more like a Nature walk, really. But it was a really amazing experience. The guide brought us out of the resort and into the forest trails beside the resort, to the fisherman's village and then through rocks and back to the resort. We saw little chicks that were not a fluffy yellow, but black and white! Amazing, amazing!
Girl-bonding session over our little lunch! Unfortunately it was raining the whole day, so we didn't manage to go down to the pool. We did go for spa, though. Okay at least Joan and I did, and we had an outdoor spa experience. It really was quite therapeutic, breathing in the relaxing scent of lavender, listening to the waves whilst enjoying a massage. Oh boy I really can't wait to go back again soon.
All dressed up for our dinner reservation at Bayan Tree! It felt like a girl's night out, haha.(:
The amazing view at Bayan Tree. There's their pool, and at the edge of the pool you get a sea view! Its like falling out of the pool into the sea, and it was really lovely.
The meal was great, and I really loved my red snapper. Dessert was fab too! This is us at the restaurant, all happy and contented. Oh and did I mention they had a lovely washroom? Qixin and Joan went quite crazy over it, haha!
The guide told us we would be able to catch sunrise if we wake up early enough, and so we did.
Beautiful beautiful.
The beach in the morning. A post-card worthy shot, if you ask me.
I really love the way they place the towels on the deck chairs.
We were determined to get some sun, and so we hit the pool early in the morning.
Breakfast! They had wonderful, wonderful jams. Qixin and Joan went crazy over their yummy dark cherry jam, and I went crazy over their strawberry jam. The sight of real strawberries in my starwberry jam just makes my day. *beams*
Oh, we went bonkers over their muffins too, haha!
Us at the entrance to the Angsana Spa and Gallery.
Then it was time to pack up and leave the resort.
Waiting at the lobby for the bus to fetch us to the ferry terminal.

On the ferry heading home. Byebye, Bintan. It was a fun trip and I'll definitely be back!(:(:
Labels: Girlfriends make the world go round(:
stuck in reverse
♥8:31 PM
Friend: Hey Wilson come to [insert mutual friend's name]'s birthday party k! I'll even ask my father to drive to your house to fetch you!
Wilson: Huh I don't think I feel like going.
Friend: Eh don't like that la go la go la.
Wilson: Why?
Friend: Because I don't want to let you do assessments at home!
Beginning of last year.
Friend: Hey Wilson since I was the 1st in Primary 4/5 and you are the 1st in Primary 4/6, lets be best friends k!
Wilson: Hm alright!
Friend: Yay okay! Oh and I'm gonna be the 1st in class this year.
Sometime last month.
Friend: Eh Wilson you're no longer the 1st in class! I am!
Wilson: Huh really? How do you know? The results are not out yet!
Friend: Oh I know cos I went to find Mrs Lee (form teacher) in the staff room and ask.
WHAT IN THE WORLD. And these kids are only in Primary 6, omg. I am astounded.
And btw, my brother still ended up being 1st in class for both years. Give up and be contented with your 2nd place, you (little) jerk.
Labels: Life's not-so-little quirks
stuck in reverse
♥1:42 PM